The multiscale environmental graphical analysis (MEGA) lab is a next-generation research facility that emphasizes the importance of science, technology, and fun.  


The MEGA lab is a global consortium of scientists, athletes, and artists who use science as a way to improve our planet. The overarching goal of the MEGA lab is to create innovative solutions that protect our oceans, providing to the communities that need them the most.

Based in Hilo, Hawaii, the MEGA lab currently consists of three main research groups that specialize in marine ecology, data science, climate change, and molecular analysis. Storytelling through digital media and creative arts is a large component of the work of the MEGA lab. 

Meet the mega team >


“By integrating science, technology, and culture, the MEGA lab executes science with values.”
Kailey Pascoe

Kailey is a Research Technician at The MEGA Lab

“Before coming to the MEGA lab, I didn’t know if research was right for me. Now having interned with Dr. Burns, I feel that I can do so much more.”
Mario Kaluhiokalani

Mario Kaluhiokalani was a summer 2019 intern for the PIPES program

“Soon, every research lab will include more than just researchers. The MEGA lab is at the forefront of what it means to do cool science.”
Cliff Kapono

Cliff is a Pro Surfer and Researcher at The MEGA Lab